[email protected] +8802222225006 +88-01811317129

Wavelet is an integrated, flexible, and affordable financial transaction management system designed specifically for Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) operations, crucial for the efficient and reliable clearing and settlement of financial transactions between Central Banks and participating institutions. This system stands out by facilitating the immediate, “real-time” processing of transactions on a “gross” basis, meaning each transfer is handled individually without netting against other transactions, ensuring payments are final and irrevocable once processed. Wavelet’s advanced capabilities ensure that financial transactions are not only processed instantly, eliminating any waiting period, but also maintain the integrity and stability of financial markets by providing a secure and transparent platform for high-value transfers.


“WEVELET”A modular component structure to meet individual country requirements allowing for flexibility in growth and expansion as needs arise


Final and irrevocable settlement of funds transfers continuously in real-time


Absolute control over access and processing flows of individual payments


Centrally located queuing of payments held awaiting availability of funds


Automatic gridlock resolution


Real-time monitoring, including- but not limited to ‐ messages, count and volumes of RTGS payments, actual and projected positions, account balances for both the RTGS operator and participating institutions

  • Flexible reserve liquidity capabilities driven by transaction types
  • Proven capabilities of interfacing with leading Core Banking System solutions
  • Cross Border Payments
  • User-specified visual, email and audio real-time alerts
  • Operational reliability with backup and contingency arrangements
  • Complete audit trail, recovery and reporting facility

Brands we work with

Opus will provide “WEVELET” solutions for companies in all scales that acquire our solutions for their organization. We can install the real time gross settlement systems for individual organizations for taking into consideration for various factors related to that specific organization. Opus is proud to be partners with some of the largest and prestigious vendors in the field of security and business management systems that create unique quality products trusted by client’s worldwide .Our counterfeit proof solutions help in creating a smooth real time gross settlement Solutions that works efficiently and effectively in all conditions and markets around the world.